During my time at FMG, I had the opportunity to create a vast range of design work that covered various aspects of the company’s communication and marketing efforts. My responsibilities included designing informative and visually engaging materials for risk advice, which helped clients make informed decisions. I also created customisable and branded email templates for both internal and external communications, ensuring consistency and professionalism.
In addition, I developed visually appealing and user-friendly content for both internal and external websites, enhancing the overall user experience. I designed engaging social media graphics and posts to increase brand awareness and engagement across various platforms. Creating clear and impactful infographics was another key part of my role, allowing me to convey complex information in an easily digestible format.
Assisting in the creation of advertising campaigns, from concept development to final design, was another aspect of my work, promoting FMG’s services and initiatives effectively. I also helped plan and design media schedules to ensure the timely and effective promotion of content. Additionally, I designed compelling submissions for industry awards, showcasing FMG’s achievements and capabilities.
This role allowed me to demonstrate my versatility as a designer, adapting to different project requirements while maintaining a consistent and professional brand image. The diversity of tasks ensured that no two days were the same, and I continuously developed my skills across various design disciplines.
Regional risk advice guides (2018)
In 2018, I created regional risk advice guides designed to provide clients with important information for assessing the risk on their properties. These guides aimed to help clients determine the type of cover they might need when insuring their land. Given that each region had unique characteristics and risks, it was crucial to present the information in a way that was easily digestible and visually appealing, as clients often don’t have time to read through extensive content.
To achieve this, each guide featured an image that represented the specific region, immediately making it relevant to the clients. Additionally, I incorporated various infographics tailored to the specific needs of the clients in each region. These visual elements ensured that complex information was communicated clearly and efficiently, allowing clients to quickly grasp the essential points and make informed decisions about their insurance needs.
Social media illustrations (2018)
I created a series of illustrations for a Facebook campaign celebrating New Zealand farming and our animals. These illustrations were designed to be bright and simple, ensuring they would stand out and draw attention on a busy social feed. The campaign was fun to work on, and the cheerful, straightforward designs effectively captured the essence of New Zealand’s farming heritage, engaging viewers and celebrating the country’s agricultural community.
Mobile trades brochure (2018)
This brochure was a key component of the "Advice Worth Listening To" campaign. The aim was to keep it simple, providing clients with essential information and highlighting potential risks. The design focused on clear, concise content that communicated the key messages effectively, ensuring that clients could easily understand the important advice being offered.
ANZIIF Insurance Industry Awards Submission (2017)​​​​​​​
I was tasked with designing FMG's submission for the ANZIIF awards, a prestigious event that unites all sectors of insurance across New Zealand and Australia to celebrate excellence, professionalism, and community impact. The awards recognize business achievements and the positive contributions the industry makes to people and communities.
The brief for the submission was to keep it clear and concise, ensuring that key information was prominently featured and easily absorbed by the judges. My goal was to create a document that not only highlighted FMG's accomplishments but also captured the judges' attention throughout.
I was proud to see our efforts recognised when FMG was announced as the Direct Insurer of the Year, demonstrating the impact of a well-designed, compelling submission.
Policy wordings (2017)
In 2017, I was tasked with creating policy wordings in Plain English to enhance client understanding and readability. The objective was to eliminate insurance jargon and complicated layouts, making the policies accessible and easy to read. Research indicated that using a single column for body copy, along with larger headings and ample white space, improved readability.
The covers for these policies featured monochromatic images relevant to the specific policy, clear FMG branding, and a simple interior layout. Despite the minimalist design, the main focus was on the clients, ensuring their needs were met through clear and straightforward communication.
Designing a large number of policies required careful attention to detail, but the end result was a set of documents that effectively simplified complex information for the audience. This project allowed me to refine my design approach, emphasising clarity and user-centric design.
Around the block (EDM templates)​​​​​​​
The "Around the Block" email campaign was designed for FMG's lifestyle clients, featuring chapters on a variety of topics relevant to owning a lifestyle block. Subjects ranged from fencing and pest control to caring for llamas and alpacas, as well as theft prevention and security measures.
These emails had a slightly different look and feel compared to other design work I had done for FMG, but they still remained true to the company's brand identity. The challenge was to create visually engaging and informative templates that would resonate with the target audience while maintaining brand consistency.
This project allowed me to explore creative ways to present diverse content while ensuring the emails were both attractive and easy to read. The end result was a successful campaign that provided valuable information to lifestyle clients, helping them manage various aspects of their properties more effectively.
Infographics (2018)
I created a series of infographics based on personas developed through company data to illustrate the expenditure of different parts of FMG. These infographics were designed to be fun and quirky, featuring characters like "One Horse Wanda" (a lifestyler) and "Carolyn" (car-only) to represent various insurance clients across the nation.
Each infographic was color-coded to ensure they were easily recognizable for users referencing them. The distinct colors and playful design elements helped to convey complex data in an engaging and accessible way, making the information more relatable and memorable for the audience.
These infographics successfully combined visual appeal with informative content, demonstrating the diverse range of FMG's client base and their insurance needs.
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